In-Person Classes

What does a class look like?

Poetic Justice classes begin each week with a Mindful Moment. We use different mindfulness practices as a doorway into each class, allowing facilitators and participants to ground themselves and become fully present for our community. 

We then move into the topic of the day: a specific theme, concept or emotion using definitions, sample poetry, art, and various creative exercises. These exercises often manifest through visual art, as our participants have taught us that healing and voice are not one-dimensional.

We begin by working through the topic on a personal level and then move into group discussion about the topic; this is the moment when participants realize they are not alone.

Once the creativity is flowing, it’s time to write! This is the first step of the healing process, where we create a space to give words to our emotions, to the unspeakable. We then move into the second step of healing: sharing. The release of those words into a space rooted in community safety is where transformative healing occurs. 

We end each class with a grounding affirmation and reminder that “We have a voice. We have hope and we have the power to change our world”.

Our Participants' Work

This I Believe by E.H.

Oregon Participant

I believe that women are resilient.

I believe we have the strength to get through just

about anything when we set our minds to it.

Whether we have to be the mother looking after the

children, the doting wife who turns a house into a home,

The businesswoman who has to try twice as hard just

to be recognized. Even the friend who shows support

even when her glass is empty.

We, as women, wear so many hats that we rarely

get praised for. So many “you’re welcome’s” that never 

get “thank you’s,” yet there we are again, every day

Putting all the hats back on to be the best we can be.


I believe women make the world go ‘round. I believe

that we, as women, are resiliently beautiful. 

Untitled by L.Z.

California Participant

It's in our voice

You hear the sisterhood

In our hope

You’ll feel our power

In our change

You’ll recognize the hour

A world

Changed by a band of warriors

We’re poetry in motion

From TJ, to all of CA

Hear the drum beat, beat

Hear, here, hear

Us march over any feat.

A band of warriors

Worthy of poetry.

Safety Writers by A.P.

Oklahoma Participant

I see you in countless ways, you are the most treasured chameleon.

     You can be so extravagant, bold, and  beautiful, yet so simple and plain jane.

      PAPER, you are a lost and found of safe places.

      I have been so lost between your 34 little blue lines that I was bound and determined to be lost forever.

     I've had writer's block enough to know that you're width measures to 16 of my fingers side by side. So I thank you, paper, for that fun fact I can give about us. (P.S. 16 side-by-side fingers of college-ruled paper)

 I have found my identity in your trusting silence. I have found Hope in the poetic justice upon you. 

Thank you, paper.