Poetic Justice Participants Featured in Awst Press

Impressive work from diverse voices - find their essay series here: https://awst-press.com/essay-series

An excerpt from Hope, By Erica Bonner

“It’s only 7 a.m. when I walk out of the building with early education and work line. I look up to see the dark clouds in the distance. They look like soft mountains. The air is warm and fresh with the scent of rain and earth. My favorite.

“Maybe I didn’t need to put on thermals after all,” I think to myself.

On the ramp to the cafeteria, we watch in anticipation. Streaks of lightning dance across the sky.

“This is beautiful,” someone says.”


A Poetic Justice Exhibit Now at ahha: "Not a Number"


Incarcerated women find voice, hope, and freedom through writing